Windows 10 How do I downgrade from Kodi 17 to Kodi 16?

Hi, I spent 16 solid hours installing Kodi, but it turns out that it is the new unstable version (almost NOTHING works, and all YouTube videos give instructions that refer to completely unrecognisable screens).

Given that I’ve already downloaded lots of Add-ons, I would like to keep those, then I think it would be best to delete Kodi 17 before installing Kodi 16.

There is no such path on my computer as Program Files/Kodi or Program Files(x86)/Kodi. It doesn’t appear in the list of Windows programs either.

Please don’t guess the answer or use abbreviations to sound cool. I need genuine instructions that are numbered clearly (so too, it seems, do many other people). Thanks Smile

PS I don’t know how to tell Kodi to recognise my TV tuner (eyeTV diversity).