Manually Update Watchlist


I would like to manually update my TV Show Watch-List per season as i have lost my database. Below is what i have tried but with no success. If anyone could help i would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance Big Grin

In Kodi i went to Settings to backup current watch list -> Videos -> Library and select Export library.
Say “Separate” when asked how you would like to export.
Say “No” when asked about exporting thumbnails and fanart.
Say “Yes” when asked if you want to overwrite old files.
Kodi now exports the video library

Remove TV SHOWS share from sources file but leave everything else.
Save and leave sources.xml file in the userdata folder

I Deleted MYSQL Video Databases

I Edited .NFO Files
Edit tvshows.nfo per season (Well i only did one season to test)
Edit <playcount>0</playcount> to <playcount>1</playcount> “I am assuming this is per season?”
Save.NFO File

Reboot Kodi

I then Re-Added SOURCES
Add “TV SHOWS” source
• This directory contains – TV
• Selected folder contains a single TV Show – Uncheck
• Exclude path from library updates – Uncheck

Kodi will rescan TV Show database but after doing this it does not update the watch-list!? Did i miss something or is this not possible?

I hope this is possible and if so i am sure many others would be interested in knowing how to do this.