I have a question about my Microsoft RC6 (model 1039).
I have never been able to get my info button working, so my question is.
On my remote, the info button is called more, do the names on my remote need to be called the same in the remote and keyboard.xml
So if i wanted to get my info (called more) on my remote working, can i change the <info>Info</info> to <more>Info</more>.
Or could i simply add the line to remote.xml <more>Info</more>.
I can get it working using the editor, from programs, but i have had problems with some of the other buttons, crashing kodi.
GUIDE button crashes kodi, if i forget to change value to default.
And since, i do not use any of the 4 “special” keys, it would be nice to just change or add the command in remote.xml.
I hope my text is readable, and my question understandable, should not be to many spelling error’s.
Thank You