How many ‘export to separate file per entry’

I’ve been using Kodi for years. I have movies spanning over several hard drives. No matter how particular I am naming the file and folder, the scraper sometimes misses / guesses wrong. I get this. I would like to make it more foolproof.

How many of you guys are exporting the movie information into the folder of each movie? This way, if the library has to be scraped again, will be flawless (if you’ve cleaned your library correctly)

I’m thinking if I scrap my server PER DISC, and not by my SHARE (using an unraid server) the movie information will go into the correct movie file ON THAT DISC and not be created some other disc the movie is not on since unraid decides what disc isn’t full, yet. Does this make sense?

So –

who exports to the movie folder?

will my idea of doing it per disk workConfused

