Kodi keeps crashing

Sorry for asking again – but I ran out of ideas what else I could try. Actually in the meantime (since I fixed my network issues) Kodi is running pretty well. However, after watching some minutes of TV (and then switching the i.e. the channel – Kodi crashes…

Basically the same for watching a video a bit longer (20 minutes) and then stopping, Kodis crashes…

Most of the time, there isn’t any further error massage. But at the last crash and after Kodi was closed thare was an additional Windows Error message, saying that the “Instruction (Anweisung) in 0x00000000773B6D99 point to (verwies auf) memory at 0x0000000000000014. Process (Vorgang) written can’t be executed in memory.

Running on Windows 10 Pro. nvidia 1060 graphic card and (older) I3 processor. Beside of PowerDVD16 and VCN viwer no other programs are installed on this maching.

Any thoughts ?