So as the post suggests, I am rebuilding my UnRaid server, I would like to have everything enclosed in this box so will be needing a dual tuner satellite card S2, I will be re-purposing a couple of items from my current HTPC such as the HDD’s, CPU and GPU, and the RAM and HDD’s from my current UnRaid server. so the parts I have are as follows :-
CPU = Intel Core I7-47770
RAM = Kingston HyperX DDR3 – 2x8GB
SSD = Samsung 850 Evo – 120GB
HDD = 3 x Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM – 3TB
1 x Western Digital Blue 7200RPM – 1TB
The case that I will be enclosing all this in will be a little unorthodox as I would like to fit it in this…-40324489/ a Kallax insert from IKEA to keep the GF happy.
I also have a HP Microserver N40L that i will be sacrificing to the project so i can dismantle it for the drive cages and anything else I may require from it.
Now to the needs, I would like to run UnRaid for my storage, general server and PVR backend needs and Virtualize a Windows 10 machine that will passthrough the GPU and the majority of the CPU horsepower to run my gaming backend. I then plan to have a Kodi box driving each of my TVs that can stream the games from the virtual machine using Nvidia GameStream.
I Need your help on suggestions of Satellite Tuner, PSU, Motherboard, and anything else I may have forgotten.