4k tv resolution

Hi, I really tried to search for the answer but was surprised no one seems to be using kodi for SMB playback as I am doing, only found some 4k streaming advice.

First thank you for the software, I bought a android TV just because of the software, and I am not dissappointed, it’s very nice!

Most of my files I play are 1080p, so this isn’t a huge problem for me, however it would be nice to have 4k playback when the file is of that quality, since the TV supports this resolution.

How can I change the resolution to 4K? Or is it changed automatically when I play a 4k video?

In system/system info it says screen resolution is 1920×1080@60hz, when I play my 4k videos, yes they look great, but gets me suspicious when i go to the video settings menu, or the system info, while playing, and the menus says it’s still 1920×1080.

Thank you in advance for your answers