Subtitles displayed poorly

Hi, I hope this is the correct place to put this topic, and I couldn’t find any other mentions of this through a couple of searches.

I tried the beta 5 earlier this week – and beta 6 this morning as I saw the release notes mentioning subtitle improvements.
It seems subtitles is rendered a lot worse in Kodi 17 than they where in Kodi 16. While Kodi 16 didn’t display a lot of subtitles as good as MPC-HC would, it was at least passable most of the time. In Kodi 17 it’s very bad.

Some images:
First two from Kodi 16.1

[Image: Picxy6Z.jpg]

[Image: 0x6tDfk.jpg]

The next two are from Kodi 17

[Image: vg9yRIk.jpg]

[Image: g9Khl8m.jpg]

And a final image of the karaoke effect in MPC:

[Image: ycvEs9B.jpg]

I know anime sub styling is probably a mundane issue no one cares about, but it’s a bit annoying to me anyway and having it improved would make me happy. The file in question can be downloaded here.