MythTV: Some TV channels does not work …


I try now since a while to get my HTPC running under KodiBuntu and MythTV. I think I’m near to success but the last step seems impossible for me…
1) I use a DVB-C dual tuner card.
2) I have an working EPG (with EIT data) for all of my 32 TV channels.
2.0) I have almost 20 TV channels working (live TV).
2.1) For the remaining 12 channels I only get “channel unavailable”.
2.3) During my different tries (means MythTV setups) the not working channels changed.
3.0) I already increased the “signal timeout” for each tuner on backend from 1000 ms to 10000 ms.
3.1) “Tuning delay (sec)” is set to 30 in pvr.mythtv addon.
I have a Kodi.log here
Kodi log (_Michael_)
‘RTL’ is as good case present and ‘ProSieben MAXX’ as bad case.
(btw.: “” is a dead link in the

Any help is appreciated!
