Which PVR for me?

I’m currently in the process of building a new server for my backend and was hoping to get an understanding of how the current PVR addons handle catching up to the current time when watching an in progress recording. I’m currently using ServerWMC and I know it is able to handle reaching the end of the recording and continuing to play the live stream. I had tried NextPVR, and it was not able to continue playing once reaching the end. Do any of the other addons manage to handle this as well (I’m open to Windows and Linux at this point)? In my house at least this comes up nearly every day, so the ability to handle this situation is pretty much a deal breaker on any choice of backend to use.

Edit hardware:
HDHomeRun Connect tuner (OTA ATSC signal)
Intel i3 based server
OS: Was planning unRaid so can run nearly anything between docker and VM
