Not sure if this should be posted here or over @ OSMC forum. Since I’m here….
Quick update-
I found a YouTube video about the TVDB add-on that I thought would help, but it was for Mac/PC and there are more config options for these systems than for OSMC/Kodi on RPI 3
Also, wrt setting up folders…how do I make sure TVH records the programs into the correct (sub)folders for later access and viewing..or is that supposed to be coordinated by TVH and TVDB?
Using RPI 3/OSMC/zap2xml/tvdb/TVH (back and front end). I’ve just about got the pieces all put together but I haven’t quite figured out the last part for the PVR. I’m trying to set up for recording TV shows. I read the wiki about the TV Show file name format, as well as the file structure (1 recorded show per directory?).
What’s not clear is how to make that happen and where. I’ve configured zap2xml for the file name to include Show Name (which shows up with Season, Episode, date, etc. and uses hyphens and underscores and dots, etc…..oh, my as separators and I’m not clear on how “legal” that is. I know there’s a program or 2 that can clean up and formalize file names but can I set that up to do so automatically? I have tried a few sample recordings from within the TVH web interface and the shows appeared in the ~/TV Shows directory, but kodi doesn’t see them (files are not in their own directory). Maybe that’s to be expected at this point.
So, do I need to manually create the directories needed for each TV show I record? Or can that be set up to happen automatically (TVH doesn’t appear to do it). And what program is the one that can do it?
Thanks in advance…..Cheers….