Music Choice Channels Buffering

I am using Kodi V17-Beta 6 on Windows 10 with the NextPVR Addon for TV support. I am getting constant buffering delays when tuning in to Xfinity Music Choice channels via the NextPVR Addon. All other channels play without buffering. I have tried using advancedsettings.xml with the following:

        <buffermode> 1 </buffermode>
        <readbufferfactor> 3 </readbufferfactor>
        <cachemembuffersize> 367001600 </cachemembuffersize>

These channels play fine with the NextPVR application…outside of Kodi.

Would someone please review my log file and let me know if there are caching changes I can make to stop this buffering…or point me to the solution if it has already been identified? My logfile can be found here.
