PI3 and arch linux kodi crashes

Hi all,

I’m getting 5-10 kodi crashes per day on my PI3 running kodi 16.1 on arch linux for arm.

GDB is installed, but the stack trace in the crash log remains empty. The journal logs show 2 different types of core dumps though:

Dec 08 14:09:55 mypi systemd-coredump[29568]: Process 29260 (kodi.bin) of user 996 dumped core.
                                                Stack trace of thread 29566:
                                                #0  0x0000000000b0c144 _ZN10NPT_StringC1ERKS_ (kodi.bin)


Dec 11 13:13:52 mypi systemd-coredump[4607]: Process 336 (kodi.bin) of user 996 dumped core.

                                               Stack trace of thread 4605:
                                               #0  0x0000000075ae01bc raise (libc.so.6)

crash log for the first example with debugging here : http://pastebin.com/AVinww4e and journal log here : http://pastebin.com/LVAFmhkh

crashlog for the second example (libc.so.6) here: http://pastebin.com/n1x78Ais

I’m using systemd to automount my NFS media library. I tried libreelec and got similar crashes right away, which makes me think it might be NFS or pi3 related?

Is there anything I can do to try and find out what’s going on or bring more info?