ATV4 Playback is sometimes choppy?

I’m using NFS as protocol, wired network, Kodi Beta 1, adjust playback to display and a judder feature on my TV to help with 24p judder. Playback is smooth and judder free except when this issue (rarely) occurs.

The choppiness is not a lot but enough for it to be disturbing, when it starts it’s very noticeable in moving or panning scenes. It’s not an even/regular choppiness that could come from judder or a frame pulldown, it looks more like choppiness from performance issues.

It happens at random and does not appear to be related to a certain bitrate or resolution, e.g. one time it started in the middle of a 40 minutes episode after I’ve just watched 2 hours of similar video before that, and yesterday the choppiness started 90 minutes or so into a movie.

Once the choppiness start it won’t go away unless I stop the video and start it again, not sure if I’ve also had to restart Kodi for it to go away. So far I’ve just seen it happen 2-3 times after looking at around 30 hours of video, so it doesn’t occur often and it will be hard for me to create a debug log for it.

Have anyone experienced the same thing? Could there be a background task or something that either TVOS or Kodi start that affect the video playback?