TV Shows Guide info not showing up after recent OSMC update

Hi all,

Wasn’t clear about the best place to post this, so starting here…..

Running RPI 3/OSMC/TVH/HDHomeRun Connect/zap2xml

Had everything working great up until, what appears to be, the most recent OSMC update. After the update the system no longer showed any info on the TV Shows/Guide screen. I ran the tv_grab_zap2xml file (located in /usr/bin) from a ssh connection and saw bunches of data roll across the screen. However, the zap2xml.log file showed a number of errors from the file.

Yesterday did a hard reset (pulled power) on the system and reran tv_grab_zap2xml. This time the log file showed only “ImportError: No module named mechanize” (which is attempted to be accessed from the file using “import mechanize”). The other thing I noticed is that my tvguide.xml file (in ~/.xmltv) has not shown any change in the modification date since 11/26/17. Also, permissions/ownership for the related files do not appear to have changed (or been changed)

My days option in zap2xml is set for 14 days. So, given that date and when I actually discovered the problem, if the data in my tvguide.xml file was last update on 11/26/17, then I’m not surprised TV Shows/Guide is empty.

So, my sense is something in the last update messed with things and it’s not clear to me what it might be.

Anyone else experience this? Any insight/suggestions?

Thanks and cheers…..