Samsung Galaxy S5 – 2 finger tap not working?

Im a pretty experienced Kodi user with both Windows and iOS devices. I also have experience creating my own custom keymaps. But I don’t have as much experience with Kodi on Android, so Im not sure if this problem is me, or Kodi, or the device, or… ?

In any case, I recently decided to load Kodi on my Samsung Galaxy S5 phone, which is running Android 6.0.1.
Kodi userdata is moved to the external microSD card.

Everything is setup and working mostly normally, however I notice that 2 finger tap doesn’t seem to work to display the context menu (tap and hold works), or to go back (2 finger left swipe works). The phones back button also works to go back.

Referring to both Alternative_keymaps_for_touchscreens (wiki) and…screen.xml I see that <tap pointers=”2″>RightClick</tap> is present as a global command, so Im not sure why it doesnt work, at least for the Context Menu.

In addition, I have a custom keymap, but that doesn’t seem to be respected at all (it works on all my other devices).

In general I would like to have 2 finger tap working for the context menu (and back too if possible) so that I can use tap and hold for a different function the same as my other devices. If really necessary I can reorganise everything, although not if the keymap won’t be respected.

Is Android peculiar in respect of keymapping and touchscreen commands? Or am I missing something somewhere?

Or is it something to do with this device? That somehow the 2 finger tap in Kodi is not being ‘received’ ?

Any help or input would be appreciated please. THANKS Smile