Increase Skin Interface ZOOM range to -50%

Is there any reason why the skin interface zoom range (NOT talking about the video player zoom) is limited to -20% to +20% ?

Specifically, I would like to be able to zoom it to about -26% or -28% , which is what I would need when I am optically zooming my HTPC projector to fill a 2.35:1 movie screen so that the Kodi interface is still fully visible on my screen (when the projector lens is zoomed to fill a 2.35:1 screen on the left and right edges, it crops off the top and the bottom of the video field).

So, at a minimum I would like to see the zoom range expanded to -30% or so. But why stop there? Maybe there are reasons other users have to go higher or lower.

Therefore, I suggest changing the range to at least -50% to +50%. Or even -50% to +100% (half to double).