Firstly, due to the following, rating display in many parts of Estouchy is broken.
With the removal of ListItem.StarRating, we no longer have a convenient means of displaying an image form of rating for various items. We could add StarRating back (which I imagine would get kickback, as I imagine there was a debate on whether to remove it in the first place), but I think a more reasonable request would be a String.RoundInteger(string number) function for skinners. It takes a string representation of a float, rounds it, and gives an integer (string representation or not). With this, we can have simple star ratings back via
<texture fallback="rating/0.png">rating/String.RoundInteger($INFO[ListItem.Rating]).png</texture>
The format is up to devs as I admit it looks stupid like that, and it would likely affect parsability due to recursion of evaluation and/or parsing parenthesis.
Let me know what you think.