How do I tag… (repeated albums, repeated artists)


A few days ago I had to redo my audio collection in order to be able to use Kodi for playing it ( I used mostly single-file flac per album, and copied the tags I have. It mostly works, but I’ve stumbled upon some challenges here:

1. I have a lot of “duplicated” albums in different versions – i.e. japanese edition, digipack edition, reissued, remastered, boxsets and so on. So far, I always followed simple rules, that the album name is “clean” without any descriptions, and I just marked in the comments of bonus tracks for each release, that they are bonuses to basic edition. I distinguished between releases based on the directory structure (I have such information added to directory name). Also I always use the date tag as the date of the first, base edition, to be able to sort by discography (I don’t always have the original releases :/) So for example:
directory name: “after forever [2001] decipher [lp, reissue 2003, flac]”
tag year: 2001
tag album name “Decipher”
And… With kodi I have no way to distinguis between releases without changing the name of the albums in tags – I don’t want to do this, as the tags should reflect what is written on the booklet.
I need advice, what can I do here using Kodi abilities and different tags available. Anyone with similiar problem? Smile

2. Almost the same problem with artists. There are multiple artist with the same name. I distinguished them by adding the ISO code of the country to the directory name (but not in tags!). Any idea how no to mismatch discographies of different artists under the same name here with kodi?

Thank you for any possible suggestions!