problem from external player

My system is Windows 10.

The Kodi was installed from windows app store. latest version, v16.9.902.0

I created playercorefactory.xml under appdata folder: C:\Users\H\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\

The problem is I always have this mistake from log:

Quote:14:47:31.212 T:11244 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://profile/playercorefactory.xml.
14:47:31.216 T:11244 ERROR: Error loading special://profile/playercorefactory.xml, Line 12 (Error reading Attributes.)

I have this problem even I just copy and paste the sample from kodi wiki:

<player name=”MPC-HC” type=”ExternalPlayer” audio=”false” video=”true”>
<filename>C:\Program Files\MPC-HC\mplayerc.exe</filename>
<args>”{1}” /fullscreen /close</args>
<rules action=”prepend”>
<rule filetypes=”mkv” filename=”.*720p.*” player=”MPC-HC”/>

Thanks in advance for suggestions.