Kodi Freeze When Timeshifting or Playing Recording

I recently wiped my NUC5PPYH and re-loaded it fresh with LE 7.90.010. I didn’t restore any backup from my previous Milhouse build of LE, which was upgraded from OE (Isengard.) With the upgraded LE/OE setup, Media Portal would work just fine. I could watch live TV and recordings using TSReader with my Samba credentials.

After re-loading the NUC, I setup the Media Portal PVR addon within Kodi (2.4.12). It configures fine, loads the guide and shows all of my recordings. However, if I try to view a channel either from the list or guide Kodi will freeze with the blue progress circle. This also happens when I try to view a recording.

I AM able to view a recording using Kodi’s built-in file manager and a smb path directly to the recorded tv share.

My log is here: Kodi.log

What I’ve tried:

  1. Disabled and re-enabled the Media Portal add-on
  2. Updated the TVServerKodi plugin to the lastest version for MP1 (
  3. Restarted MP backend server
  4. Checked and double-checked smb credentials in MP config
  5. Tried ffmpg streaming, but same issue
  6. Entered my WINS server and Workgroup into service settings

I searched pretty extensively here and on LE’s forum, but am not making much headway. I should mention that I’m using this same MP backend with an Amazon Fire Stick running Kodi, and it works great. That one is on the current Jarvis version, though. Thanks for taking a look, I’m up for any ideas!