help with script.kodi.hue.ambilight


I am very new to Kodi and I am trying to solve a problem with a script developed by someone else.
Please go easy on me, this is my first post here Angel

The script.kodi.hue.ambilight I tried develop, master and release 0.8.b2 with the same problem.
The script is supposed to control philips hue lights based on the content of the video stream.
The pairing with the philips hue hub works very well, and it recognizes my hub and lamps.
But whenever I start a movie, the add-on report “an error has occured”. I have 3 complete logs i can make available. In all three I can see the exact same error:

PHP Code:
20:59:41 T:1598018464   ERROREXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
Error Contents'module' object has no attribute 'CAPTURE_FLAG_CONTINUOUS'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.kodi/addons/script.kodi.hue.ambilight-develop/"line 104in onPlayBackStarted
File "/root/.kodi/addons/script.kodi.hue.ambilight-develop/"line 425in state_changed
.capture(int(capture_width), int(capture_height), xbmc.CAPTURE_FLAG_CONTINUOUS)
AttributeError'module' object has no attribute 'CAPTURE_FLAG_CONTINUOUS'
-->End of Python script error report<--
20:59:41 T:1598018464   DEBUGKodi HueDEBUG run loop delta0.197952 (5.051729/sec)
20:59:41 T:1598018464   ERROREXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
Error Contents'xbmc.RenderCapture' object has no attribute 'waitForCaptureStateChangeEvent'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.kodi/addons/script.kodi.hue.ambilight-develop/"line 467in <module>
File "/root/.kodi/addons/script.kodi.hue.ambilight-develop/"line 320in run
if capture.waitForCaptureStateChangeEvent(200):
AttributeError'xbmc.RenderCapture' object has no attribute 'waitForCaptureStateChangeEvent'
-->End of Python script error report<-- 

I have zero knowledge of python, and I would appriciate some hints.
The source code lines referred by the log are for the first error:

PHP Code:
capture_width 32 #100
capture_height capture_width capture.getAspectRatio()
capture_height == 0:
capture_height capture_width #fix for divide by zero.
logger.[url=]Debug Log[/url]("capture %s x %s" % (capture_width, capture_height))
capture.capture(int(capture_width), int(capture_height), xbmc.CAPTURE_FLAG_CONTINUOUS)

And for the second error:

PHP Code:
player.playingvideo# only if there's actually video
#we've got a capture event
if capture.getCaptureState() == xbmc.CAPTURE_STATE_DONE:
screen Screenshot(capture.getImage(), capture.getWidth(), capture.getHeight())
hsvRatios screen.spectrum_hsv(screen.pixelsscreen.capture_widthscreen.capture_height)
hue.settings.light == 0:
fade_light_hsv(hue.light[0], hsvRatios[0])
hue.settings.light 1:
#xbmc.sleep(4) #why?
fade_light_hsv(hue.light[1], hsvRatios[1])
hue.settings.light 2:
#xbmc.sleep(4) #why?
fade_light_hsv(hue.light[2], hsvRatios[2])

I hope some one can point me in the right direction