Kodi on Fedora and DVD


I installed Kodi on a Intel NUC following these instructions

The problem is that this system can’t play DVDs, i.e. VIDEO_TS folders. The log gives
ERROR: Unable to load /usr/lib64/kodi/system/players/VideoPlayer/libdvdnav-x86_64-linux.so, reason: /usr/lib64/kodi/system/players/VideoPlayer/libdvdnav-x86_64-linux.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I then installed libdvdread and libdvdnav using dnf install. That didn’t make any difference. In fact the /usr/lib64/kodi/system directory doesn’t contain any subdirectories.

Did I miss something in the instructions or is it that they aren’t complete?