Really really strange problem

Good evening all, I hope i’m posting my issue in the correct forum. I’ve just bought my first android MXQ box and basically it won’t load up when I connect it to the tv downstairs but works perfect up stairs on my portable tv??
When I set it up downstairs the android box is right next to my bt hub 4 (smart switch disabled) i’ve tried wifi and a ethernet cable connection. It will find the films and providers but then won’t load up despite having connection speeds of 72mbps. However if I take the box upstairs (which is the furthest room from the bt hub) the box works perfectly via wifi?
All my other devices work perfect downstairs, phones, ipad, etc. I’ve tried my sons android box and the exact same problem occurs.
*Don’t know if its connected but everytime I first turn on my android box downstairs it turns off my bt hub off*
Any ideas…..?