I am setting up my kodi on my mac. I already have an android box that i have just finished setting up. I noticed that any tv show that I added overrode the tv show that was already showing on the tv show widgets. E.g, I add to the library Vikings but when I go to add Fraser it is all the episodes of Fraser that is showing.
I wanted to use the airdate of the tv shows instead of date added and found online a fix to modify the default.py in service.skin.widgets. The fix was this:
Modify the “dateadded” to “year”
if request == ‘RecentEpisode’ and self.RECENTITEMS_UNPLAYED:
json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(‘%s “sort”: {“order”: “descending”, “method”: “year”}, “filter”: {“field”: “playcount”, “operator”: “lessthan”, “value”: “1”}}}’ %json_string)
elif request == ‘RecentEpisode’:
json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(‘%s “sort”: {“order”: “descending”, “method”: “year”}}}’ %json_string)
This worked eventually. Right now, I am using Specto as my trakt supporter and it only shows episodes that have just aired. I did receive the skin widgets error message before it worked though.
I have tried this on my mac but it is not working at all. I go into kodi, receive a skin widgets error message, select recent episodes as a widget but its the default dateadded
episodes that are showing. I have tried everything but nothing works.
The skin I am using is Xonfluence for both mac and box.
I find this to be the easiest and quickest way instead of using a playlist.
Can anyone help me?