Kodi dosent work on another wifi router!?!

Hi, im slightly stumped buy the current problem im facing this is the 3rd time I have tried to fix it so decided to see if anyone else has had any luck, my auntie bought a android box that she wanted kodi on, so I installed it (exactly how I installed my own) and it worked perfectly, took it over to her house and connected it to the wifi and bam nothing will load in kodi no streams for any addons ect ? Took it back home reset it and sorted everything so I used the box for the whole night no problem watching films, TV and sports, took it back to her house again and again nothing loading and has decided it’s going to do a fresh start ?!? This is really getting me as it works perfectly at my home on my router but as soon as I connect it to my aunties router it stops showing thumbnails, Stream links ect? Any help greatly Apricated..
