Fresh installed kodi won’t start

I have a problem with kodi – it stopped runinng. As i was still using kubuntu for my htpc of which I wasn’t fond i thought it would be good idea to switch for xubuntu. I made fresh install – i have Intel nuc 5i5ryh. I don’t recall having troubles with drivers earlier, so immediately after first boot I added ppa:team-xbmc/ppa and run for kodi install with software-common-properties. The problem is I cannot run kodi – it shuts down after splash screen, sometimes i can see confluence backcground (without ribbons). Sometimes after moving ~/.kodi away it runs for a few seconds, then shuts down. here is my crushlog
Could you help me identify my problem ?

Maybe its not important but in propertary drivers i have (intel-microcode not used):

[Image: CTh4ohLl.png]