Strange Music playback causing system freeze…

Currently on Kodi 16.1, but wondering if anyone else has seen this issue, and if perhaps its been fixed in Kodi 17.

The issue:
1. From the Main menu in Kodi, select the Music button.
2. This brings up a list of every song, listed in Alphabetical order (and I have a lot of Music).
3. Click on any song, and try to play it, and the system will stall (appears to be hung) for 15-30 seconds). Nothing works in Kodi, and the remote is useless.

Eventually if you wait, the music will start to play. But the same thing happens if you stop that song, and select another.

4. The kicker here is, if you instead of clicking the Main menu Music button, you instead click a sub-menu option (artists for example), and you play any music through that option, you don’t encounter the above issue.

This happens on both Windows and Android Kodi 16.1 installs. I connect to my music through my FreeNAS setup, and am connected to it using Ethernet (so no Wifi). I am using the Skin Aeon MQ7 as well.