Edit sources.xml on nVidia Shield TV


I have been reading the Kodi wiki and posts on forums for the past couple of days and I have not been able to find a solution to this yet. I need to edit the sources.xml and passwords.xml files on Kodi but I can’t find an easy way to do so. Most instructions ask to SSH to the device on which Kodi is running but as far as I understand, the root password for the Shield TV isn’t published.

I’m a bit new to Android so I’m still getting the hang of it but so far I really like it, although it feels overwhelming at times. The other two ways I’ve thought this would be possible is to either find a way to edit the sources.xml directly on the Shield TV device but for that I would need some type of a file browser and a text editor. Is this possible?

My other idea was to plug in an external storage device and somehow transfer the sources.xml, edit it on a computer, then copy it back to the Shield. But I’m not sure if it will let me overwrite the file directly onto the device.

Thanks in advance for any help!