Idea for a new feature

There may already be able add-on that can do what I would like. But after much searching, I could not find one. So I was thinking about developing it myself. Problem is, I’m not sure if I’m experienced enough with wherever coding language is used…

I currently use an application called f.lux to automatically change the chroma levels fire watching video at night. I usually go to sleep watching videos. I have found this works best by changing the brightness and contrast to avoid brightness exposure that would normally complicate my ability to sleep to levels that are very low, but I can still watch the videos. The problem is that when I set them low, darker scenes (like nighttime) cause the video to not be bright enough to see. So I’m constantly adjusting both brightness and contrast.

My idea is to have a feature I’d like call MaxDarkness. This can be a a checkbox on the menu with picture settings. How it would work would be for the user to set the brightness and contrast to the level preferred. The add-on would monitor the brightest pixel, and if lower than the setting, it would dynamically increase the brightness and/out contrast do that all scenes will always be tuned to the certain brightness levels…to compensate for any dark scenes.

Does anyone know of such a function that may already be available? Did I do a good enough job explaining this?