MySQL Connector/Python

Hi dear community, I’m absolutely new as to Kodi and the Raspi so I’m sorry if I’m asking a silly question but I have searched the internet and tried all I could find out, but I’m stuck now, and need some help.

I’m running this version of Kodi,

01:21:48.138 T:1962119168 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.0-RC3 Git:4d93228). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
01:21:48.138 T:1962119168 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
01:21:48.138 T:1962119168 NOTICE: Kodi compiled Jan 16 2017 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.3 (264451)

on an Raspberry PI 3.

All I actually want to do is to use MySQL from a python script, but the script failed on the import MySQLdb command so I looked up my modules and found out, that MySQL for Python seems to be needed.

I found out here: that there should be a matching Addon in the Repository, but I searched all categories, and could not find it. So i downloaded the ZIP file and installed the module from the zip file. It showed a message that the MySQL Connector/Python has been installed but: I can neither find a new addon browsing the addons using the gui and I also can still not import MySQLdb and I also did not see any changes in /storage/.kodi/addons, where I would have expected the addon to install to.

What am I doing wrong ?
I simply would like to read out some temperatures etc. and save them to an online SQL-Database. I managed to get all required measurement values, and I can log them to a textfile but I do not find a way to store them in an SQL-Database.

I’d appreciate any help.

Thanks a lot.