Mount shares on start

Hi there,

Just converted to Ubuntu from Windows and going through some growing pains.

I have my music and video on a Synology NAS. I created NFS shares in Ubuntu which worked fine. However, when I restart the machine in the morning the NFS folders aren’t showing anything – they’re just empty shells. My NAS does go into sleep mode overnight so what happens with my Fire TV is that it initially says no connection, but I can hear my NAS wake up, and on the second go it works. But on Ubuntu I get nothing, I have to go through mounting the shares again.

So, I’ve been trying to learn how to mount shares on start up, and unsurprisingly there are millions of suggestions on google of things to type into Terminal, so I thought it best to try the official help route and got directed to this:…at_startup

Now, I’m a bit baffled, what the hell is Is it supposed to be an example of what I’m supposed to type? I’ve been told to add lines to fstab, but I tried to add these lines and it didn’t work: I had created the files /mnt/nfs/music and /mnt/nfs/vido before starting and these were showing my NAS files but are now empty unless I re-run the mount command each time at start-up.

Code: /mnt/nfs/music nfs auto,noatime,nolock,bg,nfsvers=4,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0 /mnt/nfs/video nfs auto,noatime,nolock,bg,nfsvers=4,sec=krb5p,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0

Any advice greatly appreciated.