LE/Kodi keeps NAS awake?


first off, thanks for all your hard work, Kodi ist just awesome beyond words.

I’ve fallen in love with it so much in fact, that I’ve gotten a little deeper into using it and have configured it a bit beyond the regular setup. Rather than have two separate LibreELEC/Kodi-RasPis, I’ve migrated the Kodi database to the MariaDB server on my NAS. A shared DB was just what anyone with more than one device needs, it just blows me away.
As LibreELEC is running on a Pi3 and that little genius hardware cannot be turned on via WOL (such a shame) or any other realistic way, it just stays on all the time and I just switch to it via the TV (and AVR).

If you think about this setup, can you imagine, this being the reason why, for some time now, my NAS won’t hybernate the HDDs anymore? If this seems plausible, would it be the SMB-file-connections or the SQL-database-connection keeping the NAS awake? This would be Kodi issue, or an LibreELEC issue?

Is a option to kill the connection after a certain time-out something that seems doable? Even if that means having the system having to wait for the connection to be re-established?

Thanks again so much!