MQ7 issue with ivue tv guide

Hi guys,
normally, if I have a problem with a skin, I just try another, but, with this fantastic Aeon creation, no one could overlook it. I made a build on my Windows 7 PC, and the result was excelent. I then tried to transfer it to an Android box which worked great, except ivue TV guide. I’ve spent many frustrating days to fix this, but can’t quite get to the bottom of the problem. Just in case it was my elementary skills at fault, I made a clean install of Jarvis 16.1 on a mini m8s box, and installed MQ7 from zip. No problem, but when I added ivue, it just hung on loading…. or calculating…. Having tried everything else, I swithed the skin back to Confluence, and hey presto! ivue sprung into life. So, it appears there is an issue with this beautiful skin and the guide, which I like. Can someone please suggest a solution, apart from using a different skin or guide?
