Pi3 wont play Video_TS files correctly-log file link

I have a Pi3 so there should be plenty of power. I am new to Kodi and have been transferring all my DVD’s. When adding children’s multi-episode DVDs I add them in Video_TS format. When I had a few files the opening menu screen for Video_TS files worked. I could navigate through menu screens and choose an episode. I use a USB hard drive. It seems as though once I got up to about 500GB of data that my problems started. When I choose a move saved in Video_TS format I get audio, but a blank screen. I press keys blindly trying to get a menu or an episode to start. I can get an episode to start with correct video and sound. But the menu system never works. I rip DVDs on my desktop and transfer them to the USB drive on the Pi. The same files that my Pi has problems with, play correctly with menu screens on my desktop. I have researched and cant figure out what is going on. There is lot’s of info about blank screens and tweaking acceleration settings. But they all deal with older Kodi versions that have different choices in the acceleration settings so I didn’t know what to do there. I have many DVDs with lot’s of episodes that I want to also save as video_TS rather than mp4 but they wont play on the Pi. Any help is greatly appreciated.

LOG FILE: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23904580/