Android 7.1.1 Music Streaming Stay Alive

I have a SSH server with my music that i stream to various Kodi devices with great pleasure 😉

I have a Nexus5x phone running Kodi 17.0 and i can stream to this phone just fine. However, If i switch of the screen and have the music on my headphones, kodi will stop playing after a few songs. When i switch the screen back on Kodi is non responsive. I assume this has something to do with slumber sleep mode of Android 7.1.1. Foobar2000, Spottify and Chrome (tuned into a radio server) continue to play just fine. I also have a Nexus 7 (second version) running Android 6.0.1. I have no issues on this device…

Greetings and keep up the good work,
