uPNP | Last-played


A question to the developers:

When accessing my Kodi music library remotely via any uPnP compatible player do the songs served up get corresponding ‘ last played ‘ date recorded; as will happen when a song is played locally in Kodi ?

Put more technically:

* Playing a song within kodi generates an database event which updates the last-played field for that song.
* Does requesting a song via uPnP generate the same database event ?

I ask since I make use of the last-played field in my dynamic playlists to provided a greater randomisation by excluding tracks which have been playing in the last X number of days. I know this works with playing a playlist locally in Kodi, but am interested to know if my D/Playlists when accessed via uPnP are truly matching my criteria.

If the answer is no (about a uPnP event) then could I suggest/request this a future feature ?

Many thanks, plus awesome work on Kodi as ever; please keep it up!
