Music Library playing a saved playlist shows wrong artwork

I mainly use kodi for playing music randomly using party mode which works really well.

But on occasions I do create playlists, often of several hundred tracks which I then shuffle to randomise them somewhat.

I have noticed that when a playlist is playing, the currently playing screen does not get updated, in the way that it does when party mode is running

As the playlist plays, the currently playing track gets highlighted in yellow, but the media info on the screen in the right hand column of the confluence skin actually refers to whatever track the cursor is currently on

In other words it does not show the artwork etc for the track currently playing but in fact shows the artwork for the track that the cursor is currently sitting on

I am using the confluence skin and have no addons loaded it is just a out of the box kodi V17rc4 install

I would much prefer that as a playlist is worked through the artwork being displayed was by default, the correct artwork for the currently playing track.

I wouldn’t care if this is an option which could be set for those who want it leaving the current behaviour for those who want that.

this has also been discussed in these posts in the past

I have also raised a feature request see here

hopefully this could get some consideration for the next v18 kodi release