Kodi skipping video playback when browsing folders with Windows Explorer


I have a very strange behaviour in Kodi 17 (installed from Windows Store) on Windows 10. I run Kodi on one of my two screens. Whenever I browse a folder with Windows Explorer, Kodi skips my current video playback to the next file after a short moment. It doesn’t even matter if I browse a local folder, which is on very fast SSD or a remote folder on my server. Playback always comes from a remote folder on my server (SMB). Even if I pause playback and browse folders, playback will skip to next file after a few seconds as soon as it is resumed.

I can easily reproduce this behaviour. Never happened with Kodi 16.1 before. Edit: Tried it multiple times with Kodi 16.1 on the same machine using exactly the same config. Playback runs smooth.

I was watching “smb://ZERBERUS/Daten/Video/Serien/Vikings/S03/Vikings – S03E06 – Wiedergeboren.mkv”. Then I opened Windows Explorer and “Program Files”-Folder and Kodi skipped playback to “smb://ZERBERUS/Daten/Video/Serien/Vikings/S03/Vikings – S03E07 – Paris.mkv”.

Very annoying. Sad

Debug Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fztzwj7gjmm174…h.log?dl=0

Regards from Germany,