Live tv simple client kodi17 stock on dead links SOLUTION.

Hey all.
I just wanted to share how to get unstock from looping when trying to open a dead link using kodi 17, simple tv and smart Samsung tv remote.
When I try open to open link while using “PVR IPTV Simple Client” and the link happens a to be dead, it gets stucked on a loop and the only thing I could do was to shutdown/turn back on my firetv. Pain in the butt!
I just got a new Samsung smart tv 6series and I can actually control my tv and my firetv with same remote no problem.
After looking for a solution from powercycleing every time this happened, I found that using the smart tv remote control (while on a loop) if you press the “Play/Pause” button, and then on the circle wheel on the remote press “down” and the loop will stop.
The playback shortcut control appears on the right side of the screen when you press “Play/Pause”. It looks like a picture from the remote control that came with the tv.
That is the only way I know and I count find much online.
Remember this works as far as I know only with a smart Samsung tv remote.
I guess the play/pause brings up the remote to control media that is currently playing…
Hope it helps!