TMM – MovieSet Artwork scraping does not show ALL images

I’m using TinyMediaManager to scrape movie set artwork from and TMDB (I’ve tried both together and separately). The movie set images are scraped successfully (using random images for the collection). However, when I try to change any of the images, TMM does not show all images to choose from.

Eg., Movie Set: 300 collection has 6 posters for this collection, however TMM only shows 4 and 1 of the images is not from at all (even when I’ve chosen to scrape images from ONLY) has 12 fanarts for this collection, but TMM only shows 5 images

The images don’t seem to be chosen based on any criteria that I can see, but the same images are chosen on every re-scrape.

I’ve tried setting the image size options to Large, Medium and Small – No change
I’ve entered my API key – No change
The same issue applied to Extra Artwork also

Is this a known issue? I’ve tried searching the forum but did not see any results related to this issue. Please help!!

EDIT: Using TMM version 1.0 (Java) on Mac OS X 10.11.6