Amazon FireTV Utility App – error: device not found – waiting for device

Hey guys.

I recently tried installing KODI onto my Amazon FireTV box, following the instructions from this video. link removed

I first turned on Amazon box… tuned on both ADB debugging and Apps from unknown. Then I downloaded the KODI arm version download. I got the IP address of the Amazon box – (I also did a cmd ping to this). Then I downloaded the Amazon FireTV Utility App (in YouTube desc) and put it into C:\FTV. I ran the app (on a Windows 10 PC), added my Amazon FireTV box using the IP and selected the KODI file. When I clicked Side Load 3rd Party Application, problems…

“error: device not found
– waiting for device -“

I’ve also encountered others such as daemon not running and starting daemon. Once had cannot find path.

“ADB server didn’t ACK
* failed to start daemon *
– waiting for device -“

What should I do? Bradley.