Which section to ask development questions

I want to create a different kind of info display, more like some of the magic mirrors, with a collage of pictures, where the content of the multiple picture windows are each controlled by a (possibly unique) script.
I want to be able to show some of my google calendar data, some of the weather, some of the news, AND multiple windows of rotating pics. If the calendar says a birthday is coming, I want to be able to adjust one of the picture viewer panes to highlight that person.

I would LIKE the viewer panes to appear in random placements.. maybe based on the picture SIZE or ‘importance’ (calculated by the script).

I see that I can add windows to the top window. I want the nav to fade out. and be able to have a window on TOP of another window.

But it seems that the presentation layer is more classic portal like, with fixed structures and layouts (altered by a skin design, but really fundamentally all identical)
I would call that fixed structure the ‘development pane’ in my model and the runtime is the actual data presentation. there might be selected videos in sub panes too.

so, its this a skin, or an addon, or? can I dynamically add windows, change their positions and sizes, visibility, content..
the picture add ons take a path to the content to rotate thru.. I want to provide a script that returns the next thing to display.