Not able to see ANY files when using Kodi UPnP from Windows10

Even since I upgraded to Win10, I have not been able to stream my media (video, photo or music) to my Kodi Box (homemade Raspberry Pi 2). I stream over my wired home network using the UPnP protocol. I can see my personal folders trees and sub folders (i.e., Home Movies/Aug2015), but I cannot see the media within the folders, .AVI, .mp3, .MOV, MP4, .sub etc. I can access the folders, but not the content within. This is the same with both my PS3 and the Kodi Box. I believe I have done everything I should have, open the firewall, renamed the Homegroup, allowed all devices on my network to view all content, but nothing works.

I believe this is a Win10 problem, not a Kodi problem. I asked the people over at the Microsoft Community, but no one was able to help. I imagine it’s something REALLY easy, but I cannot figure it out.

Just to be clear, everything worked fine before the Win10 upgrade. Almost all videos, music and photos would stream thru the PS3 and Kodi Box.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thank you.