Question on the Status of a Few things related to multiple devices

A year or so ago I had a few issues going on that let me away from Kodi and MySQL (or Kodi and UPNP) for a solution for a multiple-kodi system house.

  • A headless instance to manage the collections/libraries
  • ability to transcode files
  • ability to watch on Roku

This list of recommendations led me to Emby. I’ve been using it more or less for a year. Recently, through no change I could figure out (I hadn’t updated packages for Emby or Kodi), it started buffering on various videos and causing them to be unplayable. So I tried to isolate the variables. That led me to run the video in VLC and it worked flawlessly. So …. hmm…. So I removed Emby and everything works fine in Vanilla Kodi 16 w/o Emby. So that means it’s not the computer or the network, it’s Emby. So, just curious if anything has changed w/ the Kodi project that would eliminate the need to use Emby.
