Cant go Back out of a folder -.- its killing me inside

Ok – So I have the following setup for folders:

def List(category):
    if category == "1":
        addItem("Hi", "mode", logos+"247.png")
        elif category == "2":
                addItem("Hi Again", "mode2", logos+"248.png")

def addDir(category, logo):
    item = xbmcgui.ListItem(category, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage=logo)
    item.setProperty("fanart_image", fanart)
    return xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=sys.argv[0]+"?mode=list&c="+urllib.quote_plus(category), listitem=item, isFolder=True)

params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2][1:]))
    mode = params["mode"]
    mode = None

if mode==None:
    addDir("1", "DefaultFolder.png")
    addDir("2", "DefaultFolder.png")
    if mode == "list": List(c)

It all works for going INTO folders and choosing items perfectly fine – But when I press back or click the … it just goes to “Video Addons”
I cant work out how the FUCK im meant to do this Nod <- im going insane