win7 – SSL problem. or something else?

win7 – SSL problem. or something else?

1: I Installed Kodi 17 on windows Vista SP2. to make a Portable version….
Portable version created. and copied all files to my Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit pc.

2: Kodi 17 Portable loads up fine… on my windows 7 pc. but my addon gives an ssl error.

3: My addon gives this error on my windows 7 pc. using kodi 17 Portable.
– Error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)>
– IE An error from: urllib2.urlopen(via an HTTPS url)

*** But my addon works fine on Kodi 17 Portable on my Vista pc.. no errors at all.
But my addon does not work on my Win 7 pc….which is the pc I use for my tv. Undecided

Sure Bypassing the SSL Check makes it work.. but I do not wish to do that.
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

So it seems to be a windows 7 problem.. or maybe because it’s a portable version created from a vista pc?
Or is my win 7 pc missing a certain file for kodi? it could very well be…

So if anyone has a clue as to why it’s doing that.. Please let me know.. it will be appreciated. Thanks.