Cant delete or move files in kodi 17

I just switched to kodi 17 with a new s912 box. Everything is working reasonably well(just a few teething problems getting used to the different interface, and the janky irfd remote not being detected) EXCEPT I cant use the built in file manager to move or delete files to the main HDD. I enabled it in settings, but every time i try, i get this:
[Image: ToqnIBX.jpg]

When i check the logs, i just see this:
[Image: b9Ly4IG.jpg?1]

Transferring files from a USB drive to the HDD in the android file explorer works fine, so its gotta be an issue with the kodi app, right? I’m only using this for local storage(kodi has zero add-ons installed beyond the default ones, with the weather update and file scrappers being the only thing that access the internet) so this not working is really annoying, as it makes it so much less usable. The default included android file explorer is a huge pain to deal with.

Hardware is a sunvell t95u android box(s912 and 2gb of ram) using a seagate portable 2tb hard drive as its fixed storage, and then a 16gb drive to ‘sneakernet’ files onto it occasionally, through the box’s 2nd USB port. Running windows 6.0, and the newest kodi 17.0 (stable)build.

Anyone have an idea? Prior to this i was using an s805 box that pretty much did everything i want except 10bit HEVC(only reason for the upgrade)