Updating Container Not Working

I have a directory list containing some custom info (download progress) that I want to update every few seconds. So I started a thread update the directory list, sleep for a few seconds, and repeat.

while True:
    label = getDownloadProgress() # Eg: 52%
    item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label = label)
    xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle = addonHandle, url = url, listitem = item, isFolder = False)
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(addonHandle, cacheToDisc = False, updateListing = True)

However, the progress is ONLY updated during the first run of the loop. Every consecutive updates are not shown in the interface. I’ve also tried adding


after endOfDirectory, but that doesn’t change anything. When I add


Kodi goes berserk, and just keeps loading, eventually freezing and then crashing.

Any suggestions on why the directory is not updated with the new value?