I have a twitch ambilight and extra hue bulbs setup. This works great when say I’m looking on regular digital tv. When I switch over to pc and kodi the hue andabilight works when in the menu. As soon as I start a movie with say DTS hd hue stops working kinda, it can dim the lights and so on but it won’t change colour. Regular ambilight in tv still works. When I start a movie with Dolby booth work. Everything is through my amp including the tv. I have tried to switch off dts hd compatible amp in kodi but that had no effect. So is it kodi making this and issue or something else?
Edit: Just did a Quick extra test. It isn’t actually the format Dolby that works. I went into my tv show folder and all but 1 show worked even If they had dts. Seem to be a video codec? Issue then?